
Our company offers aftermarket domain names, some brandables, some generic. Below, after the most recent post, are alphabetical links to our domains sale offerings.

Through extensive research, we carefully select domains that are appealing and memorable for startups and upstarts – those true disrupters of the internet.

A successful business begins with a solid plan and product/service and a stellar domain name, one that fits the new company perfectly.

These days, acquiring the perfect dotcom domain directly through a domain registrar for $10.00 is highly unlikely. Indeed, most of our offerings have been acquired on the aftermarket.

Often, fledgling businesses view their domain names as an afterthought and begin building on questionable domains – don’t allow this to happen to your company. Rebranding can be expensive and cost your company vital traffic. In fact, it’s best to acquire your domain before announcing your business plans.

We would like to help you find your perfect domain name.

Meanwhile, here are some free tips for selecting your domain name in this article:

Some Tips for Selecting a Powerful Company or Brand Name

How to Acquire One of Our Domain Names Via


If you are not willing to risk the unusual, you will have to settle for the ordinary.

– Jim Rohn


So now you’re ready to acquire one of our brandable domains, and this article will tell you how to buy your selected name from us.

We have placed our domains on (A GoDaddy Company), most domains offering a BIN (Buy It Now) option.

When you land on one of our listings on Afternic, you are likely to encounter a BIN.

However, in addition to the BIN option, Afternic also offers the buyer an opportunity to submit an offer. Just call the telephone number listed on the landing page (+1 480-651-9713 for U.S. customers. If you live outside the U.S., you may see an international number).

We like Afternic because it’s a trustworthy sales venue, dedicated to making the transfer of domains safe, easy, fluid, and fast. The brokers work diligently at protecting both seller and buyer from fraud, which, unfortunately, is a part of the digital world.

Your financial details will be safe with Afternic, now part of the Go Daddy constellation – research their reputation for yourself, if you are unsure.

Since 2007, when we first started doing business with Go Daddy, we have not had a problem with security regarding our financial information.

Our domains on the Afternic sales site are registered at Go Daddy (unless otherwise specified), so verification of ownership can be easily established.

Basic steps for purchasing one of our Afternic domains:


– Assuming that you have already landed on a specific listing on our website, for example,, on the bottom of the page, click on the domain name, which is linked to the Afternic sales site.

– You can either buy the domain outright (BIN) or call the listed number on the sales site to submit an offer through a sales broker. In either case, you will be working with an Afternic broker to facilitate payment and transfer details.

– Once the buyer (you) and seller (us) agree upon a price, the buyer submits payment through Afternic or, occasionally, through, which may take a bit longer to close.

– Once the buyer’s funds clear and have been verified, the domain is transferred quickly to the buyer.

– The seller is paid only when domain transfer has been verified and safely in the buyer’s account.


That’s about it.